Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Blog Day 8: Reproductive System

Hello! Natalie here, with day 8 of our blogging session. I’m hoping some semblance of information about fluoride and its health effects has stuck with you, as it seems to be taking over MY mind these past few weeks…maybe that’s since I’ve dedicated every day to preparing or writing these posts. Eek!
Okay, so today our journey moves on towards the future: more specifically, the reproductive system. This is such a perilous way for fluoride to cause detriments because not only does it affect US, but it affects our future children!! (Or lack thereof…) Fluoride impacts the reproductive systems of both women and men. The most blatant way to show the magnitude of its effect is by case studies. Recently, a study was performed in Wisconsin that had a conclusion of this: women who live in cities with highly fluoridated water systems have a significantly increased risk of premature stillbirths. This is something no woman (or respective man) should have to endure…so if it’s being caused in some way by fluoride, how are we letting this madness continue?
There are many chromosomal mishaps induced by fluoride that are simply incompatible with fetal life, leading to the birth of premature babies and miscarriages. Similarly, women who work in fabrication rooms in factories and are exposed to fluoride on a daily basis are 1.45 times more likely to have a spontaneous abortion (aka a miscarriage). Scary stuff.
If ingested in small amounts while pregnant, fluoride is able to cross the placenta border and become incorporated into the tissues of the fetus. The placenta only acts as a LIMITED barrier for fluoride transmission from mother to child; for this reason there is a lower (but not inexistent) fluoride concentration in the baby’s body.
Menstrual irregularities and genital irritations are also symptoms of fluoride exposure. For men though, they are obviously impacted differently by fluoride and/or fluorosis and most commonly show a decrease in circulating testosterone.
Overall, fluoride has no problem moving in on the next generation…which is a problem I believe should be dealt with in a timely and urgent manner. It’s too dangerous to affect us AND our children, too.


  1. hmmm very interesting...very interesting indeed. I guess it was only a matter of time that the subject came to the reproductive system...thankfully I'm a male, so ALL I have to worry about is my testosterone. You definitely asked the million dollar question in this post: When will this madness end and or be recognized? I'm hoping that you will do a post or a follow up on what the government says about all of this FLUORIDE. great post, i'm looking forward to the next.

  2. WOW I never knew that Flouride would have such detrimental effects to our ENTIRE body! I agree with Peter Pettigrew, I wonder what the government will say? Hmmm... haha good blog!

  3. The future of the world is at stake with this poison that is inside all of us and may never get out. Is there nobody out there willing to stand up against this toxin? Surely this blog will draw attention to this problem and perhaps someone in power in the government will help spread the word.
    The miscarriage problem of one less live coming into the world is really unfortunate if it can be traced back to the fluoride ingestion.
    Any birth defects caused by the toxin is also horrible because not using fluoride would have eliminated the problem. It sounds a lot like our next generation will be aghast that we used fluoride so much in the same way that people who were pregnant 30 and 40 years ago used to drink alcohol without knowing the ill effects. Crazy stuff that I hope people are becoming more aware of.

  4. clearly, after your other finds, it would seem fluoride would have some kind of affect on childbirth/babies. wow. i'll have to ask my mom friends what they know/heard about fluoride (if anything) during their pregnancies.

  5. SO AWESOME! and SCARY...i want to be able to have precious children!! why does fluoride have to be so menacing?

  6. flouride babies are bad news!
