Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 6: Mind Games...Part 2

Hello everyone! As a continuation from Wednesday, we’re talking again about the MENTAL effects of fluoride. Catching up, we learned that fluoride exposure alters your perception and ability to make decisions, along with lowering IQ and other various motor functions being impaired.
Furthermore, fluoride goes on to even create a risk of Down’s syndrome. In a study of 687 cases, there was a two-fold increase in the prevalence of mongoloid births (aka babies with Down’s syndrome) located in communities with fluoridated water versus those with a non-fluoridated water system. You may have even noticed this next statistic, that many children with Down’s syndrome have noticeably mottled teeth, a sign of oral unhealthiness and a clear and palpable manifestation of the connection between fluoride, fluorosis, and Down’s syndrome.
Another part of the brain disrupted by the presence and ingestion of fluoride is the pineal gland. This tiny but dangerous (so to speak) gland regulates the production of the hormone Melatonin. Melatonin manages the onset of puberty…a rather important part of the brain, I’d say. You’ve met grown men with high pitched voices? Yep, too much fluoride. :)
Okay maybe not to that extent…that was a bit of an exaggeration. But more fluoride does accumulate here than in any other hard or soft tissue in the entire body. The average concentration in the pineal gland in a person who has taken in too much fluoride is approximately 300 parts per million. Also highly impacted by fluoride are the thyroids. Exposure can result in enzyme inhibition and more detrimentally, hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism leads to many symptoms of fatigue, depression, weight gain, hair loss, muscle pains, a buildup of BAD cholesterol, and heart disease.
In fact, a small dose of fluoride (only 2 mg per day) was once successfully used as a thyroid-suppressing medication for hyperthyroidism (when thyroid activity needs to be stopped).
So there’s how fluoride is disrupting our minds…pretty serious stuff. The thyroid thing is what gets me the most. Moving right along, Monday we’ll be chatting about various bodily effects, like gastrointestinal, inhalation, and its genotoxicity. Oh boy!

Fluoridation: The Great Dilemma - George Waldbott
"Fluoride and the Pineal Gland" - Fluoride Action Network
"Fluoride and the Thyroid" - Fluoride Action Network
The Hundred-Year Lie - Randall Fitzgerald
Review of Fluoride Benefits and Risks - US Dept. of Health and Health Services Report


  1. Your posts obviously continue to get better...because i have no questions, and no way to challenge you. Way to keep it informative while still finding places to enter humor...that's always nice. Keep it up...I can't wait till monday's post.

  2. This is really interesting Natalie! I always knew the first time I used it at the dentist and it made me nauseous that there was something fishy about it. Granted, I swallowed it, but nonetheless. I'll probably tell my dentist I don't want any next time, thanks to your informative blog!

  3. WHAT? down syndrome? craaaaaaaazy! You should really be a scientist/crime fighter. NATALIE BONES. ahh i looove you and your MIND! (hah get it? since you're talking about minds?)

  4. You have good information, but nothing is cited and there are no sources. It also seems that you only have an anti-flouride argument.

    Journal of the American Dietetic Association
    "Although antifluoridationists have gained much publicity in their attempt to create the illusion of scientific controversy about fluoridation, claims of a health hazard from water fluoridation are unfounded. Fluoridation has probably been the most thoroughly studied community health measure in recent history. The American Dental Association cites extensive research demonstrating that fluoridation does not increase the incidence or mortality rate of any chronic condition, including cancer, heart disease, intra-cranial lesions, nephritis, cirrhosis, and Down syndrome. Results of recent studies failed to find any correlation between fluoride in the water supply and cancer in human beings."

    Also see this fact sheet, including a statement from the Attorney General: , "The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recognized the fluoridation of drinking water as one of ten great public health achievements of the twentieth century. Water fluoridation has helped improve the quality of life in the United States by reducing pain and suffering related to tooth decay, time lost from school and work, and money spent to restore, remove, or replace decayed teeth. An economic analysis has determined that in most communities, every $1 invested in fluoridation saves $38 or more in treatment costs. Fluoridation is the single most effective public health measure to prevent tooth decay and improve oral health over a lifetime, for both children and adults."

  5. Although I am trying to stay 100% indifferent in my opinion I must say something. In response to "anonymous". I have found that it is simple to find a website that says fluoride is does not have any major health effects at all. Some of these sites are considered "government" you know they must be telling the truth...right??? On the other hand it is just as easy to find a anti-fluoride site. For example:
    The NRC study found that the high levels of bone fluoride and the similarity of the mechanisms of action between fluoride-induced DNA damage and chemically-induced p53 mutations lead us to believe that high fluoride bone content might be one of the major factors causing osteosarcoma (bone cancer).

    Mutations in the p53 genes are the most commonly observed genetic alterations in human cancer. Ramesh concludes that fluoride probably causes mutations in p53.

    In 1990 a National Toxicology Program (NTP) study determined fluoride could be a cancer-causing agent. The NTP study “supplied a detailed description of the toxicology of fluoride, not only in terms of osteosarcoma, but also lesions in the oral mucosa, thyroid gland, skin and uterus…(which) prompted us to re-test the hypothesis of an epidemiological association between water fluoridation and cancer incidences…”, wrote Takahashi who found fluoridation status positively correlates to cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, colon, rectum, hepato-bilary & urinary organs and bone cancer."

    Now in NO way am I saying I am a 100% against fluoride. I'm just trying to balance out the subject. In my opinion the ONLY way we can know if fluoride is really hurting us is a MODERN study and analysis of the effects. Most studies (although i could be terribly wrong) seem to have been taken in the 90s and earley 2000s.

  6. does not*

  7. aw, now we know why zach has down syndrome hahaha

  8. anonymous:
    citations are up, i forgot to put them upon posting.

  9. The Real Fluo-Rider!!!November 14, 2009 at 6:50 PM

    You know what I like about this, people are getting involved asking questions, testing theories, pitting studies against one another and thinking. As someone who has had patients ask about fluoride, this has been a great forum for me to see what all is out there on both sides because I tend to look at this from the pro-fluoride point of view.

    At the end of the day though, we are all friends and still drink fluoridated water :)

  10. yes i completely agree with anonymous
    you have great information
    but in the end, what is the reader supposed to take from it?
    is there a solution ?

  11. yay alicia figured out my problem.. Good stuff by the way
